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St James's Catholic Primary School

St James's Catholic Primary School

‘Put out into the deep’

Book Shop

► "Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift."  Kate DiCamillo


At St James’s children are supported and encouraged to become fluent, confident readers and to read with understanding through the school's successful reading programme. 



The Bookshop, which has been run for many years at St James, helps encourage and support the children to further develop their passion and love for reading through three main aims; firstly to simply encourage the children to enjoy reading, secondly to develop a stronger sense of self by allowing them to make their own choices, and thirdly to teach them about the importance of saving for a book they really want (especially vital in an ever increasing, fast paced ‘Need it Now, Have it Now’ modern world).

Who runs The Bookshop?

The Bookshop is run by a team of volunteer parents, and supported by the teaching staff. We operate from the Library, every Friday morning (9.00am - 12.00pm) and children from each class are invited to visit the shop where they can choose a book to save for. Once they have reached the required amount, the book is theirs to keep and take home and on their next visit they can choose another book to save up for and the process starts again.


Bookshop Volunteers dressed up for World Book Day 2023

The selection on offer covers all genres from sticker and colouring books through to picture books, novels, reference and non-fiction books – with choices for all abilities and ages. The prices range from £3.00 up to a maximum of £7.00 and all books are priced under the RRP. Children are encouraged to bring in any amount up to a maximum of £2 (using school tokens which can be purchased through the PFA), so that week by week they can watch their savings grow and within a few weeks they get their prize - their new book.

When do the Children visit The Bookshop?

Children in years 4,5 & 6 visit us during the morning break, these year groups can bring in any amount so that they may purchase a book of their choosing without having to visit us on a weekly basis, or they can continue to save up each week if they prefer. Usually at the end of the school year we hold a sale where books can be purchased for £3 and under. We will put a reminder on the school communicator a couple of days before the sale to remind parents and children of this.


► Authors that have recently been featured in our book collections include Rachel Bright, Nathan Bryon, Swapna Haddow, Liz Pichon, Robin Stevens (author of the highly popular Murder Most Unladylike series) and lots more! We also have some more traditional books and authors including Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and C.S Lewis.

Profits from The Bookshop

All profits from The Bookshop are given back to the school and in the last academic year we donated around £5,500. Previously donated money to the school has supported with the purchase of the Read, Write Inc. phonics books, the Must Read picture books and the recommended reads for the Classroom Book Corners. It has also supported with the updating of furniture in Library (including a new rug) and will further support the Library in being able to replenish its current collection.


If you have any queries and wish to get in touch with The Bookshop team please contact us at

A selection of recent books in the Bookshop