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Interactive Bar

St James's Catholic Primary School

St James's Catholic Primary School

‘Put out into the deep’


Senior Leadership Team


Infant School



Junior School



George Tancred Centre




The Inclusion Team



ELSA: Marie Foley

English/dyslexia ELSA: Joanna Miles

Maths/dyscalculia ELSA: Debra Rees







Staff Member

Teaching and Learning

Joseph Vander Vloet

DSL, Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, PLAC

Laura Burtenshaw

Early Years Lead

Abbie Cunningham

Support Staff CPD

Melanie Cunningham

Lunchtime Provision

Steven Cotton

Religious Education and Catholic Life Faculty Lead: Stephen Wasmuth

  • Religious Education

Stephen Wasmuth

  • Catholic Life

Stephen Wasmuth

  • Rights Respecting Schools

Hannah Smith

  • Pupil Council

Dominque Wallace  

  • Eco Club

Cara Hearty

  • Mini Vinnies

Stephen Wasmuth

Inclusion Faculty Lead: Melanie Cunningham

  • Special and Additional Needs

Melanie Cunningham

  • Diversity and Inclusion

Abbie Cunningham

  • EAL/Multilingual Lead

Marie Foley

  • New Pupil Induction

Charlotte Spicer

English Faculty Lead: Joseph Vander Vloet          

  • Reading

Cheryl Davis

  • Writing

Zara Khan and Jo Miles

  • Phonics

Amy Berlyn

  • Battle of the Books

Cheryl Davis

  • Library

Janet Thomas and Peter Gordon (Volunteers)

STEM Faculty Leads: Joanna Miles

  • Science

Maria Harnett and Bibi Bantin

  • Maths

Amy Whitehead

  • Design and Technology

Ewelina Chudzik

  • Computing

Farzi Bantin

Humanities Faculty Lead: Joseph Vander Vloet

  • History

Redmond O’Connor

  • Geography

Michael  McIlroy

  • Modern Foreign Languages

Marie Foley

Arts Faculty Lead: Steven Cotton

  • Art

Frederika Aljovin and Justine Line

  • Music

Sha Armstrong

Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing Lead: Steven Cotton

  • PE Curriculum

Steven Cotton

  • PE and Inclusion in Sport

Samuel Wallace

  • PSHE / RSE

Hannah Smith and Helen Hayes

Staff Operations Faculty Lead: Ciaran Beatty

  • Supply

Steven Cotton

  • ECTs, ITT and Students

Steven Cotton

  • Staff Wellbeing

Katie Bradley

  • Pastoral and Medical

Katie Ryan


Office Staff


Ms C Mackin

School Business Manager

Mrs A Sharp

Finance Officer

Mrs N Bergin

Office Administrator

Ms K Sweeney

Office Administrator

Mrs C Spicer

Pupil Administration Officer

Mrs C Byrne

SENCO & GTC Administrator

Mrs S O'Dowd

StJ Extra Adminstrator