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St James's Catholic Primary School

St James's Catholic Primary School

‘Put out into the deep’

School Guidance on Childhood Illnesses, Reporting Absence & Administering Medicines

When should I keep my child off school?

  • Parents/Carers should avoid sending your child to school if they are unwell in the morning.


  • Please do not use Paracetamol/ Ibuprofen to lower a child’s temperature before school. 


  • Parents /Carers must have arrangements in place to collect their child should they become unwell during the day.


  • If your child has diarrhoea or has vomited:  it is imperative that they are kept away from a school setting until they have had a clear 48 hours with no further episodes of vomiting or diarrhoea during that period.


How should I inform the school of my child's absence?

Please send an email to before 8.30am  stating:

  • Child's full name
  • Class Name
  • Reason for illness


Please continue to send daily emails, if your child continues to be absent. We prefer you did not call to report illness but if you do, you are required to provide written confirmation as well.


How should I inform the school of my child's planned late arrival or early collection for an appointment?

Please send an email to before 8.30am  stating:

  • Child's full name
  • Class Name
  • Reason for late arrival or early collection
  • A screen shot of the appointment


Please note that we are unable to guarantee your child will be ready for collection at the time requested depending on the class activity transitions.


  • We advise that children go straight to medical appointments, if you require early collection before 11.00am.


  • We advise that if children needed to be collected in the early afternoon that you arrange to collect your child at 12.00pm.  This will ensure minimal disruption to the class teaching, we are equipped to manage the collection/handover process and it guarantees that you won't miss your appointment.


What is the protocol for St James's to administer medicine(s) to my child during the school day?

Please note that we are not permitted to administer Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to a child unless they have it on prescription.