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St James's Catholic Primary School

St James's Catholic Primary School

‘Put out into the deep’


Spring Term School Menu



The government provides free school meals for all pupils in reception to year 2 who attend state funded primary schools.


The Greater London Authority has provided funding to local authorities to extend this entitlement to year groups 3 to 6, from September 2023 to July 2024. It is not yet known if this funding will continue beyond July 2024.


In both cases, children will receive the entitlements automatically, but it is really important for parents on a low income, or who are in receipt of certain benefits, to apply for mean-tested free school meals in order for your child's school to receive extra funding.,September%202023%20to%20July%202024.


► If your child has a food allergy or food intolerance, please alert the school by completing the appropriate forms, which can be obtained from the office.


If you have any queries concerning the school dinners please contact Mrs Sharp


Lunch Times

  • Reception: 11.50am

  • Year 1: 12.00pm

  • Year 2: 12.10pm

  • Years 3 & 4: 12.20pm

  • Years 5 & 6: 12.00pm


Meal Options

A hot meal is served daily with a vegetarian option available.  In addition we have a salad bar with vegetables, grains, beans and pasta that children can "boost" their main meal with.  A desert is always offered and fruit is available as an alternative.