Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health Support Teams at St James's
Through Achieving for Children, St James's is able to provide support to children and families via Mental Health Support teams. Support includes parent workshops, whole school interventions, individual and group targeted group support.
Support may be put in place if there are concerns around low mood, anxiety or resilience. If parents or carers would like further information or feel it may be appropriate to complete a referral please contact the Mental Health Lead, Laura Burtenshaw.
Upcoming parent workshops include sessions on sleep, resilience, friendships, challenging behaviours and screen time.
Please scan the below QR for sign up details:
St James's Focus on Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
► At St James’s, we work collaboratively with our families to support our pupils’ emotional wellbeing and mental health. We support children to build positive, respectful and trusting relationships with children and adults, rooted in Gospel values.
All children are encouraged to discuss their feelings using the Zones of Regulation and all classrooms have worry boxes, which are checked daily by teachers.
We support families by providing workshops, interventions and resources.
► We also work with other professionals who support children with more specialist interventions. Currently, these include: The Purple Elephant Project; Draw It Out art therapy; Plays2talk play therapy.
We are also able to recommend other services to support children and their families.
► All staff support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of our children. We have a dedicated team who promote and monitor the children’s wellbeing. The team includes three qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistants.
Emotional wellbeing is embedded through:
- PSHE: (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum
- RSE: (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum
- Science: healthy lifestyle, eating and exercise
- Assemblies
- Wellbeing enrichment days
- Mental Health Support Teams
St James's Zones of Regulation
This is a whole school approach. We use the language and framework of the Zones of Regulation to support children in developing an understanding of their feelings and emotions. We recognise that, at times, these emotions can feel overwhelming for a child.
The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum teaches children the skills to develop a metacognitive pathway to build awareness of their feelings and internal state and utilise a variety of tools and strategies for self-regulation and emotional wellbeing. The framework supports neurodiverse and neurotypical learners.
► For children who need support over and above the curriculum, we offer a variety of additional programmes.
These include:
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
ELSA is an educational psychology led intervention for promoting the emotional wellbeing of children. ELSAs have received specific, additional training from educational psychologists from whom they receive ongoing supervision. Their role is to support children in school to understand and regulate their own emotions whilst also respecting the feelings of those around them. Teachers are able to refer children to the ELSAs.
Year 6 Transition Group
We understand that transition from Year 6 to Year 7 can be a challenging time for many pupils. We offer a year-long programme in Year 6 to support this.
This program is advocated by The Catholic Children’s Society to ‘guide children through life’s storms’.
Our ELSAs have been trained to deliver the Rainbows program to children who have experienced a significant loss in their lives. This may be due to the death of a loved one, family breakdown or another significant loss. The program helps children cope and feel less alone.